Tuesday, October 28, 2014

CEKUR (Kaempferia galanga)

Kaempferia Galangal is called "Cekur", "Cekuh" or "kecil galanga" in Malay; "Kencur" or "Kentjoer" in Indonesia; "Ingurupiyali" or "Hingurupiyali" in Sri Lanka; "Proh hom", "Hom proh", "Waan teendin" or "Waan hom" in Thailand.

Cekur, thought to be native to China and India is now cultivated quite widely in Malaysia and other Southeast Asian countries. The highly aromatic rhizome of this plant is valued in Malaysia as a spice to flavor rice and also in 
folk medicine. This spice is rather popular in Thailand where it is used frequently in curries and soups. 

This is very short herb with leaves spreading horizontally and lying flat on the ground. The leaves are arranged distichously and packed very closely. The 
leaves are simple, green and elliptical-lanceolate in shape. The leaves are slightly aromatic. Flower are borne solitary. A stemless, small rhizomatous herb; rhizome tuberous, aromatic; root fibres-fleshy, cylindric. Flowers white, 6-12 cm from the centre of the plant between the leaves. 

                                                                        Cekur is found growing wildly in old gardens . It is also normally cultivated in villages. Cekur is  propagated through rhizome divisions or cutting obtained from matured mother plants. 

There are also names in other languages referring to sand, such as German ("Sandingwer") and Chinese ("Saa jiang") .

The scientific name is in honour of German botanist Engelbert Kaempfer (1651 to 1716.)

Scientific name : Kaempferia galanga Linn. 
Common name : Maraba,Finger root, Chinese ginger 
Local name : Cekur 

Family : Zingiberaceae 

Kaempferia galanga is one of the types of medicinal plants and one plant species in the tribe-finding meeting. Kaempferia galanga is a plant that is often used in the manufacture of traditional medicine, or more commonly referred to as herbs. Kaempferia galanga still have relatives with ginger, turmeric, keys and so on. Kaempferia galanga benefits have been widely used since the days of our ancestors. Kaempferia galanga is used as a base for traditional medicine for hundreds of years. Have you ever heard or drink herbal Kaempferia galanga?

Since ancient times, Kaempferia galanga has been known as a medicinal plant that is widely used to help treat various diseases. Kaempferia galanga among other benefits is to help relieve headaches, influenza, sprains and several other ailments. Kaempferia galanga efficacy has also been known since antiquity to help streamline the body, relieve migraine attack, asthma cure, treat rheumatic diseases, treat tetanus, coughing and able to get rid of acne. Based on laboratory research, the efficacy of Kaempferia galanga is because the plant Kaempferia galanga there are more than 23 compounds and seven among these compounds contain monoterpena compounds, aromatic compounds and sesquiterpene.

Kaempferia galanga current benefits are also widely used for the manufacture of modern medicine and cosmetic ingredients.

How to Obtain Benefits Kaempferia galanga

If you want to make a traditional herb with material Kaempferia galanga, you can just process it in a simple way. Kaempferia galanga properties you could easily feel the eating Kaempferia galanga regular basis, be it a form of traditional herbal and modern in supplement form.

One benefit of Kaempferia galanga is a body slimming. The trick, Kaempferia galanga rhizome Brewed 1 plus 1 teaspoon of rice flour and palm sugar 1 slice with a glass of hot water. Allow a few moments and then drink 3 times a day regularly.

Kaempferia galanga other properties is to treat coughs. How, Grate 3 pieces of Kaempferia galanga by a finger and put in half a glass of water that has been given a taste of salt. Then drink every morning and evening within a few days, your cough will subside. Also the powdered rhizome mixed with bees honey is given for coughs and pectoral ailments. Kaempferia galanga has no harmful side effects, so there are no age restrictions in order to consume Kaempferia galanga but also should not be too excessive.

The rhizomes of cekur mixed with oil is used externally for healing of wounds and applied warm on rheumatic region. The sliced rhizomes tied as a poultice hastens suppuration of boils. A lotion prepared with the rhizome is used to remove dandruff or scales from the head. 

Cekur is planted using mature rhizomes cuttings having 3-4 leaf buds. The cutting is dipped in fungicide to protect from soil-borne diseases. The rhizome cuttings are pregerminated in growing media before field planting to ensure a good stand in the field.Cekur can be planted in the open field or slightly shady areas. Or in the pot.

Soil Suitability - Cekur can be cultivated on various soil types but it grows better on soil with high organic matter content, good texture and drainage. It can be planted both in the tropic and subtropic. Under natural growing conditions, the vegetative growth starts at early rainy season and the leaves will be dried up in drought season when the rhizomes start to mature. 

Young leaves and rhizome are harvested at vegetative stage for dip, salad and other culinary purposes. For medicinal purposes, the mature rhizomes are harvested at 10-11 months after planting. At this stage, the leaf starts to turn yellow and dries.

1 comment:

  1. Kaempferitrin isolated from the root of Kaempferia galangal L. It stimulates glucose-metabolizing enzymes and promotes glucose homeostasis. Kaempferitrin
