Sunday, October 4, 2009

Two Types of Herbs for Menopause Symptoms

Overview of Menopause symptoms

Menopause should not be regarded as an illness or a disease. It is simply an occurrence wherein the woman is entering her second phase of feminine life. Of course, these women are experiencing a gradual discomfort because of the transition…this is only natural. If there are telltale signs of menopause symptoms, you can opt to procure some treatment in order to minimize the feeling of discomfort.

But it is important to remember that any kind of treatment will not prevent you from undergoing menopause process, especially when your age is already falling from and between 48 – 55 years old. It will only help you to deal a lot easier with menopause symptoms or relieve majority of their major discomfort effects. Your lifestyle might also need some changing especially your smoking, eating, drinking, and sleeping habits in order to minimize the severity of menopause symptoms.

What can herbs do to treat menopause symptoms?

There are many types of reliable herbs available that can treat menopause symptoms. They can maintain women’s healthy life even when menstruation process causes a lot of discomfort and decline in their health aspect. With herbs carefully and religiously applied you may not only alleviate those various forms of discomfort but you will also maintain your healthy life.

Two basic types of herbs for menopause

Phytoestrogenic herbs

These are the herbs or plants that contain natural phytoestrogen, a type of chemical compound, which is similar to the women body estrogen. These herbs work by replacing the lost natural body estrogen with the plant hormones, phytoestrogen. Aside from this, there are other elements of phytoestrogenic herbs that are considered beneficial to menopausal women such as amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Generally, these herbs are an alternative to disorders relating to low hormonal/estrogen levels.

Most popular phytoestrogenic herbs:

· Ginseng. Used to improve your overall vitality and energy, this is a dried root from one of the Araliaceae herb species.

· Ginkgo. Used to enhance memory, prevent memory-related diseases such as Dementia, Alzheimer’s and others. This herb is one of the oldest herbal medicines used in China.

· Dong Quai. Most effective in treating gynecological complaints caused by the change in hormonal production.

· Red Clover. Diseases treated are skin disorders and bronchitis, asthma and spasmodic coughing.

· Black Cohosh. Symptoms treated include depression, night sweats and hot flashes.

Non-estrogenic herbs

In contrast with the phytoestrogenic plants, non-estrogenic herbs, as the name suggests, are those plants that do not produce estrogen chemical structures. These plants are widely recognized by the doctors and medical experts because of their effectiveness to relieve women’s menopause symptoms. Furthermore, they are considered completely safe and do not provide side effects.

The right non-estrogenic herbs contain nutrients that can nourish endocrine system, eventually balancing your hormonal levels. With the proper application, occurrences of the loss of hormones will be reduced as they can promote your body to naturally produce the needed healthy level of estrogen hormones, without the distracting side effects.

Specifically, non-estrogenic herbs will provide relief to the following disorders relating to menopause symptoms:

- majority of the menopause symptoms

- hormonal imbalance

- osteoporosis or bone mass loss

- infertility

- sexual intercourse problems

- cardiovascular disease

It is important to note, however, that even these herbs are a natural treatment you need to research on the kind of plant that you are going to take as not all of these will relieve and alleviate you from those menopause symptoms. There are herbal plants that can cause many other side effects, may it be minor or major.

1 comment:

  1. This is something that is really helpful to many ladies out there who are on their way in this stage in life. Not all women understands this. what age does menopause start
