Thursday, September 17, 2009

What the benefit of garlic?

Garlic (Allium sativum) is a member of the Amaryllis family (Amaryllidaceae), which also includes leeks, onions, and shallots. It is a perennial with an underground bulb (head) composed of pungent bulblets commonly called cloves. The largest garlic variety, Elephant Garlic, has a very mild-flavored clove and is a close relative of the leek.

The pungent flavor of garlic is caused by a chemical reaction that occurs when the garlic cells are broken. The flavor is most intense shortly after cutting or chopping. This chemical reaction cannot occur after garlic is cooked, which is why roasted garlic is sweet rather than pungent.

Korea, China and countries of the South East Asia are among the many countries that consumed a lot of this pungent yet healthy spice. However, the beginning of garlic started with the Egyptians. Ancient Egyptians was the first to grow this pant intentionally which played an essential role in their life and exotic culture. Garlic too is among the oldest cultivated plant for which it has been grown ever since 5000 years ago. It has been since then, used as part of cultural element, medical and therapeutic purposes as well as a very important ingredient in many great cooking and cuisine.

Now you got all more the reason to love garlic because there were many researches being done on it that proves it’s plentiful health-concerned benefits. You definitely do not have to worry to have it raw, because all the more it’s best in that form. Alternatively you can have it crushed or finely chopped. Every ounce entitles you with about 15% of vitamin C and studies shows that aged garlic especially are the best source of antioxidant, protecting the body from ‘free radical’ existing in the bloodstream that can accumulate toxic within time in the human body system. Nutrition wise, there’s more than just being a good source of vitamin C and antioxidant. Garlic too, is a great source of sulfur ( thiosulfinates, sulfozides and dithiins ) - of which has plethora of health-promoting effects and goodness. Besides that, garlic is also a good source of manganese, selenium and vitamin B6.

Other benefits of garlic includes:-
  • It works in preventing common cold and flu. It works great as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral activity agent. Allicin which is a component in thiosulnates, when combined with Vitamin C is very helpful in killing harmful microbes in the body.
  • One of its best natural attributes is being a powerful natural antibiotic in general.
  • It is one of the many sources of potential ally to the human heart. There are some researches evidences that it can aid in managing high cholesterol levels as well as a food that may help in preventing atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease thus reducing the risk of person from heart attacks and strokes.
  • Being part of the onion family, garlic too can lower the risk of a few common cancers such as colon, ovary and breast cancer. It may not be the only thing that prevent but it certainly helps when putting other relevant factors aside.
  • Instead of warding of vampires, garlic is actually very effective in warding of mosquitoes. It is rather effective as a natural mosquito repellent.
  • It’s low in calorie and even better, it’s able to promote weight control. Allicin that existed in garlic do not only help in lowering blood pressure but can even prevent weight gain, as it served as a control means. But no, it’s never the total alternative to proper eating habits and sufficient exercise.
  • Beside that, the sulphur compound allicin provides not only many of the notable benefits of garlic, but also its notorious odor. Allicin is formed during the chemistry of chopping, crushing and chewing garlic, the more thorough the milling, the more allicin is created. Allicin has antibiotic, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties, and is the reason why garlic has been used for skin infections such as Athletes’s foot, herpes and warts, digestive and lung infections such as diarrhea, coughs and colds, and Candida yeast and other microbes.

However, despite all these goodness, it doesn’t mean that you had to consume a lot of it. Especially in cases where a person has certain allergies, it is best not to overdo the intake. It’s good enough if you can have it as an extra add on to your salad or mix it together with sauces of your main course dressing. Some people do prefer to get it as an oral supplement. It counters the downside of eating fresh garlic - yup, it’s the garlic breath. But never get by with garlic pills without checking on the ingredients.

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